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As the pike orders


nce upon a time there was a farmer who had three sons, who lived with him on the farm. The two elder brothers were intelligent; they had married sensible wives and they worked hard. But the third brother, Emelian, was slow-witted, and he spent all day lying by the stove. He never wanted to do anything!
One day his brothers drove to market, and while they were gone their wives thought it would be a good idea to make Emelian do some work. So they told him:
'Emelian, go and fetch us some water from the river.'
He made no attempt to move, but lay on the stove and answered:
'I do not want to.'
'Go and fetch it, Emelian,' the two wives scolded, 'or your brothers will not bring you any sweets back from market.'
'Oh, all right,' he grumbled. He slipped down from the stove, dressed, picked up two buckets and went off to the river. There he broke a hole in the ice, filled the buckets with water, and set them down, while he gazed into the hole. He had seen a pike in the hole, and somehow he managed to catch the fish with his hands. For he was thinking: 'Its roe will make a tasty supper.'
But the pike started talking to him in a human voice: 'Emelian,' it said, 'put me back into the water, I will do you a service.'
'What service can you do me ?' Emelian said with a laugh. 'Not me! I will carry you home and tell the women to cook your roe. We will have a tasty supper.'
But the pike pleaded: 'Emelian, Emelian, put me back in the water; I will do all you wish.'
'All right,' said Emelian, 'but first show that you are not tricking me, then I will let you go.'
So the pike asked him: 'Emelian, Emelian, tell me what you you would like at this very moment.'
'I would like the buckets to take themselves home without spilling any water,' he said.
Then the pike told him: 'Remember what I am saying: whenever you want something, all you need say is: "As the pike orders, And as I desire.." '
So Emelian said: 'As the pike orders, And as I desire... Buckets, take yourselves home!'
And as soon as he said the words the buckets set off up the hill, all on their own. So he put the pike back into the hole, and went off after the buckets. They went right through the village, and the people were astonished at the sight. But Emelian walked along behind the buckets, laughing. They went into the hut and put themselves on a bench, and then he went back to the stove.

S.Chistov "Emelia"

S.Chistov "Emelia"
Box. 1990   Fedoskino

    Some time later the women said to him: 'Emelian, what are you lying up there for ? Why not go and chop some wood ?'
'I do not want to,' said Emelian.
'If you do not chop some wood your brothers will not bring you any sweets back from the market,' they told him. So he reluctantly left the stove. Then he remembered the pike, and said very quietly:
'As the pike orders, And as I desire… Axe, go and chop the wood; and wood, go into the kitchen and feed the stove!'
The axe jumped out from under the bench, hopped into the yard, and began chopping wood. And the chopped woodwent into the hut and into the stove.
A few days later the women said again:
'Emelian, we have no more wood for chopping. Drive into the forest and cut down a tree.'
But he answered from the top of the stove: 'Why not go yourself?'
'What do you mean: is it our job to drive into the forest for wood ?' they retorted.
'But I do not want to.'
'Well, your brothers will not bring you back any presents, then.'
There was nothing else for it! He slipped off the stove, put on his boots, and dressed. He picked up the axe and a rope, went into the yard and got into the sledge. Then he called to the women: 'Women, open the yard gates.'
But they answered: 'You fool, why have you got into the sledge, when you have not harnessed up the horses?'
'I do not need any horses,' he answered. So the women opened the gates, and Emelian said very quietly: 'As the pike orders, And as I desire… Sledge, drive to the forest!'
The sledge drove off through the gates of itself, and it travelled so fast that no horses could ever have kept up with it. But in order to reach the forest he had to pass through the town, and there the sledge drove over and crushed quite a lot of people. Everybody shouted after him: 'Hold him! Seize him!' But he only urged the sledge to go faster. When he reached the forest he said: 'As the pike orders, And as I desire…'Axe, chop up some dry wood; and wood, pile yourself on the sledge, and tie yourself fast with the rope!'
The axe began chopping up the dry wood, and the pieces of wood as they were chopped piled themselves on the sledge, and ended by tying themselves firmly tothe sledge with the rope. Then he ordered the axe to cut him a cudgel, one so big and heavy that he could hardly lift it. He seated himself on top of the wood, and said: 'As the pike orders, and as I desire... Sledge, drive home!'
And the sledge dashed off home. He had to pass again through the town where he had ridden over and crushed some people, and he found people waiting for him there. They seized him and dragged him off the sledge, swearing at him and beating him. He realised that matters were going badly for him, so he said very quietly: 'As the pike orders, and as I desire.. Cudgel, beat them up!'
The cudgel jumped off the sledge and began to thrash around. The people fled in all directions, and Emelian climbed back on the sledge and rode home. Of course, it was not long before the tsar heard of Emelian's little tricks, and he sent an officer to find him and bring him to the palace. The officer drove to Emelian's village, entered the hut, and asked him: 'Are you Emelian the fool ?'
Emelian answered from the top of the stove:
'Well, what do you want?'
'Get dressed at once; I am taking you to the tsar,' the officer told him.
'But I do not want to go!'
The officer became very angry and struck him on the face. So Emelian said very quietly so that no one could hear: 'As the pike orders, and as I desire…Cudgel, give him a good hiding!'
The cudgel jumped up and thrashed the officer till he fled for his life.

L.Falaleyeva "Emelia on the stove"

L.Falaleyeva "Emelia on the stove"
1967.  Dymkovo

    The tsar was amazed to hear that his officer had not been able to deal with Emelian, and he turned to his chamberlain and told him:
'Bring Emelian the fool to me here in the palace, or I will have your head off.'
The chamberlain went to the market and bought raisins, sugar-plums, and gingerbreads. Then he drove to Emelian's village, entered the hut, and asked the women what Emelian was fond of.
'Our Emelian likes people to speak nicely to him, and to offer him a crimson tunic with a girdle. Then he will do whatever you want.'
The chamberlain gave Emelian the raisins, sugar-plums, and gingerbreads, and said:
'Emelian, Emelian, why are you lying by the stove ? Let us drive to the tsar.'
'I'm just as warm here,' answered Emelian.
'Emelian, Emelian, the tsar will give you lots to eat and drink; please come.'
'But I do not want to go!'
'Emelian, Emelian, the tsar will give you a crimson tunic, cap, and boots,' the chamberlain promised.
Emelian thought it over and said at last: 'All right, I will come. You go on, and I will follow right behind.'
The chamberlain set off to drive back to the palace; but Emelian remained lying on the stove, and only said:
'As the pike orders, and as I desire…Now, stove, off you go to the tsar!'
The moment he had spoken the hut began to crack at the corners, the roof shivered and shook, one wall flew right out, and the stove went travelling of itself down the street, along the highroad, straight to the tsar, with Emelian on top of it. The tsar looked out of his window and saw the stove coming. He was astonished, and asked:
'What is this marvel coming along ?'
The chamberlain answered: 'It is Emelian riding to you on his stove
So the tsar went to the front door an spoke to Emelian:
'Look here, you Emelian,' he said, 'we have had a lot of complaints about you. You crushed a lot of people.'
'All right, but why did they want to crawl under the sledge ?' Emelian answered.
Just then the tsar's daughter, Princess Maria, looked out of the window to see what was happening. Emelian saw her at the window and said very quietly: 'As the pike orders, and as I desire…Make the tsar's daughter fall in love with me!' Then he added: 'Stove, take me home again.'
The stove turned round and went back, entered the hut, and stood in its former place. Emelian lay down, and went on lying on the stove. But the tsar's palace was filled with the iund of weeping and crying. Princess Maria had such a terrible longing for Emelian that she swore she could not live without him. And she asked the tsar to let her marry him. The tsar was annoyed at the very idea, and he told his chamberlain:
'Go and bring Emelian to me alive or dead, or I will have your head off.'
The chamberlain bought sweet wines and all sorts of good things to eat, drove to the village, entered the hut and entertained Emelian with the food and drink. Emelian ate and drank so much that he became a little tipsy and lay down to sleep it off. Then the chamberlain put him in his carriage and carried him to the tsar. The tsar gave orders for a great barrel with iron hoops to be brought, and told his men to put Emelian and Princess Maria into it. They tarred the barrel and rolled it into the sea. When Emelian woke up he saw that he was in a dark and confined sort of prison.
'Where am I ?' he asked. And someone very close to him answered:
'It is boring and stifling in here, dearest Emelian. They've put us into a barrel and thrown it into the blue sea.'
'But who are you?' he wanted to know.
'I am Princess Maria,' she answered.
However, Emelian soon recovered from his alarm at being in the barrel, and said: 'As the pike orders, And as I desire . . .
'Stormy winds, blow this barrel to dry land, on to a yellow sandy shore.' At once stormy winds began blowing and howling, the sea grew very rough, and it rolled the barrel on to the dry land, on to the yellow sand. Emelian and the princess climbed out of it.
'That is fine, dearest Emelian,' said the princess. 'But where are we going to live ? Build a little hut of some sort.'
'But I do not want to,' said Emelian.
She started to nag at him to do something about it, so he said:
'As the pike orders, And as I desire . . .
'Build us a stone palace with a golden roof!'
He had no sooner spoken than a stone palace with a golden roof arose. It was surrounded by a green garden, in which flowers were blooming and birds singing. Princess Maria and Emelian entered the palace and sat down at a window. And the princess said to him: 'Emelian, dearest, would it be possible for you to turn yourself into a handsome young man ?'
Emelian did not think long over that one. He said at once:
'As the pike orders, and as I desire…Change me into a handsome young man, as fine as a picture.' And he became so handsome that words could never describe him. However, just about that time the tsar went hunting, and he saw a palace standing where before there had been nothing. And he demanded to know:
'What boor has built a palace on my land without asking my permission ?'
And he sent to find out who was living in the palace. The messengers ran and stood under the window to make their inquiries, Emelian told them:
'Invite the tsar to come and be our guest, and I will tell him myself.'
So the tsar rode up to the palace to be the guest of his daughter and Emelian. Emelian met him, escorted him into the palace, seated him at the table, and they began to feast. The tsar ate and drank, and could not suppress his astonishment. He demanded: 'But who are you, my fine young man!'
Emelian told him: 'Do you remember Emelian the fool, who rode to you on a stove, and you ordered him and your own daughter to be put into a barrel and thrown into the sea ? I am that same Emelian. And if I feel like it I will burn up and destroy all your kingdom.'
At this threat the tsar was very frightened, and he pleaded for forgiveness.
'My dear Emelian,' he said, 'marry my daughter, take my kingdom, only do not kill me.'
'Oh, all right,' said Emelian.
And they gave a banquet for all the world to enjoy. After which Emelian married Princess Maria and became ruler of the kingdom in place of the tsar.

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  Lacquer miniatures
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  As the pike orders
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under construction

   There he broke a hole in the ice, filled the buckets with water, and set them down, while he gazed into the hole. He had seen a pike in the hole...   

   «Emelian, Emelian, tell me what you you would like at this very moment. .»   

   The officer became very angry and struck him on the face   

The moment he had spoken the hut began to crack at the corners, the roof shivered and shook, one wall flew right out, and the stove went travelling of itself down the street...

And they gave a banquet for all the world to enjoy. After which Emelian married Princess Maria and became ruler of the kingdom in place of the tsar.